I’ve heard mixed reviews of Paris, but I’m here to set the story straight. This iconic city delivers on and even rises above its own hype. Paris is nicknamed the City of Love, and there’s no escaping the romance here. But even if you’re single, you will still fall in love with the endless baguettes, cheese and wine flooding the streets. Or maybe the masterpieces created by some of the most influential artists to ever walk the Earth. The nights here are something out of a movie when all the most iconic landmarks are shining all around you. Paris is definitely somewhere I would love to live for some time, and I can’t wait for you to experience this magical place.
I’ve been dreaming about this moment for my entire life. So excited to be here. Let’s just jump right into it and share with you guys the best things to do in Paris.
So this morning, we are picking up a breakfast. We’re going to get some crescent, some French bread. We have the goods in hand. We are heading back up to the terrace.
We’ve got an éclair on post. Sweet raspberries and the crescent. Here is our breakfast. We are so cute. That’s all I have to say. This is just the cutest thing ever. Looks so good. These raspberries are the best raspberries I’ve ever had in my life. They’re amazing.
Oh, my God. This is heaven. This is pan Swiss. And the amount of chocolate they put on this is unbelievable. Of all places in the world over the past couple of years Traveling. We are meeting my brother here in Paris, while i write this guide for who wants to visit this city. It’s our first time being together while we’re traveling abroad. He is doing his own little trip through different countries like Norway, Italy, and now he’s in France.
Noow we are at the Louver museum. This place is 15 acres, so it is absolutely massive. You could spend all day here. It used to be a fortress and then it went on to be a palace. And now it is a museum. And right above me is the famous pyramid, built in 1983 by a Chinese designer already so epic, but also very, very crowded. Reminds us of the Vatican and Rome. If you missed our Rome series, you can click right up here. I’m guessing you don’t want to skip these massive lines of the loop, so I will link a skip the line ticket option in the description below. The loop can be quite overwhelming, but if you just have 2 hours, I want to see the most famous artworks head straight to the Denman Wing. Here you can see the Mona Lisa and the winged victory of Samothrace.
Right behind us we have the Wings Victory of Samothrace, which represents the Greek goddess Nike, landing on a ship. Nike, like the shoe, was inspired by the statue goddess of victory. And this opens up to what we’re going to see next, which is the Mona Lisa and all at this place. It is so cool. Let’s keep going. We’re going to see the Mona Lisa next. But I wanted to talk to you guys about it before we get in there, because it’s really crowded. So you might be wondering why the heck the Mona Lisa is so famous. It’s really interesting because there is a super rich guy and he basically commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to draw a portrait of his wife. It wasn’t even popular. It wasn’t known around the world until one day an Italian stole it from the Louvre. It went missing for two years and it was in newspapers across the world. Her face became famous because everyone saw it. You’ve tried to sell it. So he was caught and it was returned safely. And now it probably the most famous painting in the world, on top of which, Napoleon loved it so much. At one point it was in his bedroom. Also, Pablo Picasso was one of the suspects for stealing it. But of course, he wasn’t the one. It was just some random Italian.

This is the Greek goddess Aphrodite, which is the goddess of love and beauty. Rumor has it the reason her arm is chopped off is because the French and Turkish were fighting over her when they were going to the island of Milos. Really fun fact is that we visited the island of Milos in Greece, one of our favorite islands in the world. Click it right up here. But this is where that statue was discovered. The last must see artwork is the massive painting depicting the coronation of Napoleon and Notre Dame Cathedral. Napoleon invited the Pope all the way from Rome to bless him as the new emperor. And right as the Pope was about to crown Napoleon, he grabbed the crown and put it on his own head. Humiliating the Pope. Tonight is a very exciting night. We got all dressed up. We have a dinner cruise down the side for about 3 hours from 830 to about 1130. So you get to see all the top locations lit up at night. Look how good Anna looks. Oh, look at her.
Paris has not disappointed at all. It is everything. I’ve always wanted to be at war and it’s only day two.
Of a four course meal and we’ve got a starter main course, cheese dish and dessert with like two bottles of champagne and.
What you no one realized that you can come out here right at the beginning of your cruise. It’s going to be sunset vibes and the lighting, the buildings are going to be right near the Eiffel Tower. So come here. During the beginning of your dinner.

Right here we have the most famous Gothic cathedral in the world, the Cathedral of Notre Dame. It’s really, really intricate. I wish we could get closer. As you guys know, it actually caught on fire.
The flames spread quickly across the medieval roof. The heat kept building and rising until.

Many of you know there was a book written about it in the 1800s, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which was later adapted to a Disney movie, the beloved glossy moto who represented not having all outer beauty but inner beauty. There’s going to be a live performance, so we’re going to stay and watch that look these guys up on Instagram and they’re really good. I got all the tweeting and. Stuff with my staff. He, in fact.
So Notre Dame is right next to the Latin Quarter and this spot is packed with tourists. I would not recommend staying here because it’s a little too busy for our liking. Although it’s busy. The Latin Quarter is full of life in history. Opposite Notre Dame is the Shakespeare Company bookstore, which is probably the most famous independent bookstore in the world, opened in 1951. This bookstore was inspired by the original Shakespeare and company owned by Sylvia Beach in the 1920s and thirties. Her bookshop was the hangout spot and sometimes the home to famous writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce. If it looks familiar, you may have also seen it in the movie Midnight in Paris with Owen Wilson.
It is a fat creep. I’ve never had a this big in my life. After this one festival, we got Nutella and Banana. It’s like my favorite combination and we’re just going to share it because it’s literally huge. So I set your expectations right. Overall, it’s a city. I mean, Paris isn’t this perfect dream. There is going to be trash. There’s going to be homeless. We haven’t seen any scams, I’d say. But, you know, people do say, beware of pickpocketing. We’re always open and transparent with you guys. However, I will say it’s definitely one of the cleaner cities we’ve been to. Even like walking down the sun right now. No one’s here, but it does kind of smell like.

Comes together something very interesting. This is where Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette were executed by guillotine right in the square. Oh, no, man. Passing by. Life is good. Best I’ve ever. We’re doing something Anna’s always wanted to do. We’re going to have a picnic right in front of the Eiffel Tower. And for the next two days, we’ve rented this motorbike for only about €90, which is not bad at all. It’s by far the best way to see every single city. And in Paris, it’s super easy. We even want to run that crazy circle by Arc de Triomphe. We’re about to go pick up some cheese, baguettes, croissants and everything in between and even.
France definitely has some of the best cheese in the world. And if you go into one of those cheese shops, the smell, it is so stinky. But that’s how you know it’s good. And last mission is some wine. Look at this view. We got some baguette. We got gooey cheese. I don’t even know what kind of says hard cheese and then some blue cheese.

Although we name the cheese is gooey, hard and blue. I feel like the simplest things are my favorite thing to do. Like have a picnic in the park. This has to be the most epic place in the world to have a picnic. And then earlier someone got engaged and the whole park went wild. Like it was so cute. The only thing is I stepped in, but I had hand sanitizer and Kleenex. So we worked it out tonight. Tonight? Tonight we’re climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Quick announcement. Great time to introduce the sponsor of this video. Get your guide. Get your guide is a platform that has 60,000 experiences in over 3600 destinations. You can book tickets or tour guides. The best part is it’s just like in the app. You don’t need anything to be printed out.

Another great movie based in Paris is Monte Carlo with Selena Gomez and Leighton Meester. But there’s a scene in the Eiffel Tower where Gomez is looking through a telescope, looking down and like she misses her bus. I think it’s literally right here.
We’re walking down right now with some cool weights at the top. There’s wax figures of the creator of the Eiffel Tower, and he used to have a private room up there where he would invite really famous guests. And up there is Thomas Edison sitting with him.
So for anyone renting a motorbike, we just asked the cafe what we should do if it will get stolen. The motorbike rental shop gave us a lock and you put it around the wheel and then she said, Don’t leave any helmets in here because people could steal it out of there. Everyone in Paris has been so nice to us. They’ve helped us, they’ve been patient with us. And I think that’s a very bad misconception out in the world.
I really do hope you enjoyed our travel report and will follow or next too!

There were actually three Kings that lived in Versailles. And you can remember them like this. Louis The 14th was the one who built it. Really? The 15th got to enjoy it and only the 16th had to pay for it. Louis The 16th was married to Marie Antoinette, and they were just so far gone off of what was really going on in Paris. The French Revolution came. People came to his doorstep and they were like, Please, we’re starving. So they captured him. And that was the French Revolution. You see right through my. Welcome to the ballroom. If you want to dance. This is the place to dance. Beautiful portrait of the Queen Maria La Scala. Maria Sky invited Mozart here. Moliere was here, of course. He played comedies for the king.
So sadly, we had to put our microphone away in there. But I really wanted to go over some highlight points. We got to see the table at which the Treaty of Versailles was signed. That’s the document that ended World War One, and it was signed between France and Great Britain and the United States. And then after that, we saw the King’s Room. In this room is where Benjamin Franklin sought help for the American Revolution in 1778. They really helped with our freedom. So shout out to you, friends, and thank you for the Statue of Liberty. Of course.
I think this place should be a world wonder. It should be the eighth world wonder. One of my favorite times at a museum by far. You could spend all day here on a boat or a bicycle or just walking through the gardens. It goes on forever and ever, way better than I expected it. And I think it is a must, must do when you come visit Paris.
This art gallery was way above our expectations and a great place to relax and enjoy art in a more interactive way. Next, we headed to the longest and most beautiful avenue in all of Paris called Champs-Elysees, visited by almost 300,000 people per day. This is where you can shop til you drop. This one Mile Avenue is dotted with high end fashion stores and every restaurant you could think of. Yes. Even in five guys, it’s lively into the night and even connects directly to the Arc de Triomphe.
We are in line at lottery to get some macarons. We’re meeting my mom in Serbia, so I’m going to bring her some for Mother’s Day. Anytime I’m in New York, I get one. And I’m really excited to be here in Paris to get fun because this is where it was founded in 1862. My favorite flavors are pistachio, lemon and caramel, but I think we’re going to try a little bit of everything.
The one thing you need to understand about these macarons from lottery is that they’re frickin expensive. How much is one for six of these? An 18 year old for six small little macarons. But they are delicious.
Now we’re at the Paris catacombs where 6 million Parisians are buried. Yes, you heard me right. The graveyards were full. They were having a huge problem on what to do with the dead. And they had this underground area that wasn’t being used. So one of the rulers said, All right, we’re going to put all the bones down here. It’s kind of creepy. Let’s go see it.
We bought our tickets through. Get your guide. So there’s a skip the line option. You get your QR code and the tickets here sell out fast and even comes with an audio guide. So a plus. These tunnels run for more than, I think, 150 miles underneath Paris. You’re only able to go to a small sliver of it as a tourist, but people have secret entrances where they throw parties down here. They stay overnight down there. They do creepy stuff. I think there’s officially the creepiest. I feel bad for saying it, but creepiest place I’ve ever been. There’s water dripping from the roof right there at the exit. They have to check your bags to see if you stole bones because I guess people steal bones down there and keep it as a souvenir. Just super effed up. It’s also super effort up there. We just go down there and take videos and just act like that’s normal.
We’re headed to the Arc de Triomphe, heading up to the top. If you didn’t know, you can go on the top and get a great view of Paris. And to get across this crazy street, you go below the whole street and then head up to the arch. You see the Eiffel Tower from up here and all the crazy, crazy streets. Welcome to our other Airbnb. The past, like three or four nights, we’ve been going to the grocery store getting cheese and wine, and then we get some baguettes from the bakery down the street.